
Sermon Series:  WOLVES:  The Book of Jude

In the book of Jude, we see that the “wolves in sheep’s clothing” Jesus warned would come (Matthew 7:15) have crept their way into communities of the early church. In his short but powerful letter, Jude writes to warn and encourage the early Christians to be vigilant and mindful of the truth. His warnings remain relevant to Christians today, who face danger of the cunning lure of false teaching.


Sunday, January 5th at 6:30pm:  Join us as we spend time in prayer as a church family!


Sunday, January 19th is Missions Sunday!  Don’t forget to bring your missions offering, and continue to pray for our missionaries.


Sunday, January 26th is BGMC Sunday! 


Wednesday, January 22nd is our Annual Church Business Meeting at 7pm.  Come and join us as we celebrate God’s faithfulness in 2024, and as we look forward to what God has in store for us in 2025!


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